Should you pay for a car lease upfront? Learn the pros and cons of a one-pay lease, how prepaying works, costs, and what happens at lease end.
7 mins
Tired of monthly lease payments? Upfront leasing may be an unconventional option, but it can unlock real benefits - from savings to simplicity. By covering your entire lease term in one payment, you avoid finance charges and potentially secure discounts. But the upfront approach also requires careful evaluation.
With a FINN car subscription, you can enjoy the benefits of driving without the hassle of an expensive upfront lease payment. Insurance, maintenance, and roadside assistance - all included. No money down with approval in minutes. Plus, you can swap your ride every six to 12 months for maximum flexibility. Enjoy all the perks of ownership without the burdens of debt or inflated charges.
A one-pay lease, also called a single pay or pre-paid lease, is a special car lease where you make one large payment upfront to cover all the monthly payments for the entire lease term. In that case, instead of you making monthly payments over two to three years like in a normal lease, you make one big sum payment at the beginning to pay for the full lease period. This upfront payment is usually lower than the total of all the monthly payments combined. One great advantage is that you're lowering your monthly costs. A disadvantage though is that you need more cash upfront versus spreading payments out.
It is possible for you to pay ahead on your car lease. There are some important aspects that you should know about when paying ahead on auto leases:
So in most cases, paying ahead on a car lease is possible but be sure to check the specific prepayment policy with the leasing company.
There are a couple of reasons why the upfront payment on a one-pay lease is usually cheaper than the total of all the monthly payments:
To calculate the upfront payment amount, you first calculate the total of all monthly payments (monthly payment x number of months). Then the upfront payment is usually 5-15% less than that total amount.
For example:
36 monthly payments of $400 is $14,400 total
10% savings on $14,400 is $1,440 in savings
$14,400 total - $1,440 savings = $12,960 upfront payment
The upfront payment is a percentage discount off the total monthly payments.
If you don’t want to do the math or simply don’t have the necessary cash for an upfront payment, you can pick a car subscription from FINN. A car subscription relieves you of all the worries of a traditional car lease. With FINN, everything but fuel is taken care of in your single monthly rate. No down payment or unexpected costs. Plus, never feel stuck with a car again. You’ll have access to an ever-growing selection of cars after only six or 12 months.
Paying for a lease upfront means that you're paying the entire lease at the beginning. This type of lease has its pros and cons.
If you’ve decided that paying for a lease up front is the route for you, here are ten tips and questions to ask:
Just like with a traditional car lease, you will have the same options when your one-pay lease comes to an end:
It’s possible to lease a used car and pay less than a new car lease. However, you do make some sacrifices in leasing a used car versus a new one, namely in driving a vehicle with older technology and features. Lease trading websites such as Swapalease can also help you get into a used car lease without having to do any negotiating yourself. The decision to lease a used car ultimately depends on your personal preference.
If you’re not ready for a used car lease, check out a FINN car subscription instead. Subscribe to a FINN car to pick out the exact car you want and have it delivered to your door. FINN also offers flexible terms, so you can subscribe for six months or up to 12 months. Give yourself the freedom to choose your next ride with a FINN car subscription.